Wow! Here I am thinking I had you all beat. There I was, expecting to come home from Disneyland yesterday to a silent Photo Challenge blog post, only to discover that EVERYBODY who pays any attention to me had an idea about the answer.
There is a decent-sized list of people who gave it a shot, but a rather short list of people who answered correct. I am impressed with the number of people who threw in their hats, and thank you all for participating in this week’s photo challenge.
A good number of you guessed Peter Pan’s Flight. So, a good number of you were incorrect.
Almost everybody who contacted me on Twitter guessed Peter Pan. In fact, only one person who contacted me on Twitter got it right <COUGH>Chadellliot</COUGH>.
I don’t think Peter Pan ever flew through the streets of London to nowhere in particular. He flew over London to Never, Never Land (not that anyone cares anymore, thanks to Steve Jobs and Tinkerbell).
I think the font of the sign told you Fantasyland and the word London made your conscious minds instantly go too that cool part of Peter Pan’s ride with Big Ben, and you went, “Ah ha! Peter Pan!”
Sorry guys.
Another character in Fantasyland also makes his mark on London:

The answer to this Photo Challenge is: Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride
Don’t feel bad. Peter Pan is probably what I would have guessed too, being pretty unfamiliar with Mr. Toad.
Did he have his own movie or what? I’ll have to Google that later.
When I was a kid, Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was my favorite ride in Fantasyland (after Peter Pan’s Flight that is), even though I have never seen nor heard of the movie or TV show with Mr. Toad in it.
I think that, of the kiddie attractions in Disneyland, it’s among the most exciting for kids. Still pretty fun for grownups too. 🙂
Now, a couple of you tried to ride the middle of the fence and answered something like, “It’s either Peter Pan or Mr. Toad”. Only one of them is right, which means those of you who used this answer <COUGH>AlisonandAshley</COUGH> are wrong. You gotta pick one, friends. 😉
Those who hit the nail square on the head are:
- Eric
- Rob
- Chad Elliot
- Kayla
- Lillian Tadamichi
- Kevin Healy
- Elsie Barker
- Shannon
- Lyndsey
- Alex Hein
Thanks for playing. This one got a lot of attention, and I have a new one lined up, so when you’re in the Disneyland Resort (Disneyland, Disney California Adventure, Downtown Disney and all of the Disney hotels), keep your eyes peeled and take in everything!
Don’t forget to come back on Monday for a new Magical Monday Audio Challenge! Bye for now! 😀